MY perfect very first birthday celebration WAS NO celebration at all

thanks to Jen Latch, for offering to share your professional mom wisdom with the rookies!

I always feel a bit deflated after birthday parties. A great deal of work, a few meltdowns from kids, messes, as well as don’t even get me started on the cost. You do all that work as well as then it’s just… over.

I believe there is even more pressure on parents to produce a perfect very first birthday. This is difficult since it usually ends up being a combo kid/baby/adult celebration where you requirement to please as well as entertain the full age variety from infant to grandma.

In all that activity you may miss the extremely special thing that is occurring. Your infant is turning one.

First birthday smile | picture Jen Latch

As my daughter’s very first birthday was approaching I discovered that I kept believing I needed to plan something, send invites, produce a bit theme. It just never happened. one of the primary issues I ran into was trying to figure out when to routine the party. My child takes two naps which vary in length. sometimes if she wakes up a bit later, she drops her morning nap as well as sleeps longer in the afternoon. She is not completely predictable particularly with the teething that is going on right now. Cranky infant at a party? No fun.

Another factor was the guest list. I have a big prolonged household as well as many close friends. when you invite a few… it turns into about 40. ka-ching.

I believe what truly sealed the offer was the truth that our life had been so chaotic lately. It just felt right to do something that celebrated her birthday as well as acknowledged that we had gotten with the very first year however was extremely low stress for me as well as more significantly not stressful to her. No shifting of her schedule, no people she didn’t understand well, no overwhelming stimuli. just her instant family, a few gifts as well as a cake after nap time.

I felt a bit guilty leading as much as the party. Shouldn’t I be celebrating more? Inviting household as well as friends? The Web tells me over as well as over I should have a magically great celebration for my one year old.

Instead of the huge party, we did this:

After putting her down for her morning nap (which did run late that day as well as would have absolutely ruined any type of arranged party) I persuaded her sisters to assist me clean the house. They assisted me neat up the dining as well as living space area. then we wrapped her provides as well as got the gifts as well as the cake all arranged on the table for her.

When she woke up from her nap I altered her into a bit gown as well as brought her out. When she saw the little stack of presents, her sisters as well as the cake she ended up being so excited. She really started shaking with enjoyment as well as laughing! I feel like if there had been a great deal of people there this would not have happened, or I may have missed it.

We had the cake, opened her gifts, as well as went to the park. ঐটা এটা ছিল. No clean up. No guests to send off. No overwhelmed baby. She spent the rest of the day playing with her new toy, had dinner as well as went to bed on time.

The expense was the cost of the provides as well as wrapping paper. about $60 total. (A buddy made her cake.)

It’s okay if you want to do a huge celebration for your one year old. If you’re in the mood for that or thrive on planning parties, it can be wonderful as well as I am sure there are methods to make it work for your baby. however I just wished to tell new moms that it’s okay to really not invite anyone as well as do a extremely simple event at house with your baby.

For me it was really one of the most unforgettable “parties” I’ve ever had for my children. I feel like I really got to see my bit infant turn one. added bonus that I wasn’t exhausted later on as well as didn’t have a mess as well as cranky infant to contend with.

One tip though, some household members may get upset because of not being included. Take photos as well as send them to your household explaining your option as well as let them understand they can come go to as well as desire the infant a happy birthday.

Read more from Jen at her blog

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